Keep The Quote

What is Keep the Quote?
Keep the Quote is a fun, weekly goal-setting system used in my classroom. Students bring in quotes that they think our class should use as a motto for that particular week. My kiddos bring in their quotes on Monday morning. (It is completely optional if they bring one or not.) If there is an overwhelming amount of quotes, I simply just put their quotes in a bin and select approximately four to read theirs aloud.  The students read their quotes aloud and then we vote to see which quote should be our motto for the week. We briefly talk about what each quote means to us, too.

 On Friday, we then review our success following the quote and select one student to actually KEEP THE QUOTE. Get it?!  The student selected has to be someone who was really demonstrating that quote. I like to have my students that brought in the winning quote to be the one to select the recipient. The student will again explain the quote's meaning and the reason that they are awarding the quote to the recipient. The paper is ripped off, given to that student, and then a new quote is added the following week.

Words are powerful and this is a wonderful way to highlight them and bring their purpose to W-4.  


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